IOPEN is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2016 to help support surgical eye care for international communities lacking access to these care. The group is composed of ophthalmologists and ophthalmic scrub nurses from The Kresge Eye Institute, Detroit Medical Center, The Henry Ford Hospital, and University of Florida Department of Ophthalmology.
President: Xihui Lin M.D. Vitreoretinal and cataract surgeon, Kresge Eye Institute/Wayne State University.
Vice President: Jonathan Hu M.D. Retina surgeon, University of Florida Department of Ophthalmology.
Secretary: Linda Yang M.D. Cataract surgeon, Houston, TX.
Treasurer: Christopher Lee M.D. Cataract and glaucoma surgeon, University of Arkansas Medical Sciences Center.
Contact: 520 Simon Court, Royal Oak, MI 48067. 313-577-8900,